The National University of San Agustin (UNSA), CONCYTEC together with CIENCIACTIVA as the agency for financing and geological faculty, geophysics and mines, organized the
1st INTERNATIONAL GEOSCIENCES CONGRESS, which was held in Arequipa from
March 20 to 24, 2017.
This event was held with the participation of famous international experts and scientists from Australia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, the USA, Mexico, Sweden and Ukraine, as well as outstanding national and local specialists; who presented the results of research related to the Earth sciences and mining industry.
The purpose of the congress is to create space for reflection, discussion and exchange of knowledge and experience related to the latest achievements in geophysics, geology and mining.
Employees of our company, in the face of Krynytskyi Leonid , Kadurin Sergii , Kiorohlo Viacheslav were sent an invitation from the Peruvian National University of San Agustin (UNSA), take part in an international congress. We discussed the topic of innovative developments in recent years, in the field of georadar research.
With the support of our Peruvian partners, “GEO GPR LATINOAMERICA” we managed to organize a two-day practical and theoretical course, which was attended by both students and professionals of geological and geophysical sciences. The theme of the course was “Introduction to georadiolocation based on the GPR radar”.
As part of the practical aspect, a demonstration of both the low-frequency and high-frequency ground penetrating radar (LOZA-V, LOZA-N) was conducted where all had the opportunity to work with the devices as the operator.

Within the theoretical section there included interpretation of GPR data by the propagation of electromagnetic waves in media with different dielectric conductivity and permeability. Also, everyone was given an opportunity to try their hand at interpreting georadar data.

At the conclusion of the congress, with the support of National University of San Agustin (UNSA) and “GEO GPR LATINOAMERICA”, each participant was awarded certificates of participation in the training course

We express our gratitude to all the participants and organizers of the Congress, for the opportunity to participate in an event of international importance.